

I'M AngeloEric

My imagination completely controls me, and forever feeds the fire that burns with dark red light in my heart by bringing me the best dreams. I've always had a wild imagination, a big heart and a tortured soul so I feel that dark fantasies,love and horror are in my ******** one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.



who am I?

AngeloEric - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

AngeloEric's profile picture. 2 ratings. My imagination completely controls me, and forever feeds the fire that burns with dark red light in my heart by bringing me the best dreams. I've always had a wild imagination, a big heart and a tortured soul so I feel that dark fantasies,love and horror are in my ******** one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities..


My Details

Last update: 19 hours ago

I like: Life can be a lot broader. when you realize one simple thing: And that is that everything around us that we call life was made up by people who were no smarter than you. And you can build your own life that other people can live in. So build a life. Don't live one. Build one. Find your opportunity, and always be sexy.I love a man with a great sense of humor and who is intelligent

I don't like: Impolite People, Beggars I don't want people to think of me as sexy.I am much more than ***********igence is enormously sexy'Sexy' doesn't have to come with the price tag of being dumb

About me


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