

I'M AsiaCrown

Im fun, intellectual and flirtatious girl. I dream of traveling around the world and having unforgettable experience. I'm single, my prototype of man is the one who wakes up my wishes and burn with me, I have not had many sexual experiences, I'm here because I need more. MY PINK TOY is the best thing that has happened to me, I had never felt vibrations within my PUSSY and I must confess that I am getting addicted to my pink toy, MY DILDO has become my best friend, I use it frequently when I am alone at home, much more in the morning when I GO TO SHOWER, I USE IT WHILE HOT WHILE HOT WATER FALLS ON MY BODY, I can have several orgasms if you touch the right place. I DREAM OF MAKING a GREAT SQUIRT in the mirror, I just hope someone teaches me to do it. ¿WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY TEACHER?



who am I?

AsiaCrown - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

AsiaCrown's profile picture. 9 ratings. Im fun, intellectual and flirtatious girl. I dream of traveling around the world and having unforgettable experience. I'm single, my prototype of man is the one who wakes up my wishes and burn with me, I have not had many sexual experiences, I'm here because I need more. MY PINK TOY is the best thing that has happened to me, I had never felt vibrations within my PUSSY and I must confess that I am getting addicted to my pink toy, MY DILDO has become my best friend, I use it frequently when I am alone at home, much more in the morning when I GO TO SHOWER, I USE IT WHILE HOT WHILE HOT WATER FALLS ON MY BODY, I can have several orgasms if you touch the right place. I DREAM OF MAKING a GREAT SQUIRT in the mirror, I just hope someone teaches me to do it. ¿WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY TEACHER?.


My Details

Last update: 21 minutes ago

I like: I love cats, and guess, i have one! is my baby and i love it, I enjoy take my bike and ride over new places. I like feel the free wind over all my body , i enjoy even the most minimun experience i live, becouse is how i am, a Simple person who love the Life

I don't like: I dont like be alone

About me


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