

I'M AvaReeves

I consider myself an outgoing person, non-judgmental, in love with nature, animals, and people around me, as I think the most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in. Touching my mind my & heart could get you very close to my soul. I appreciate nice & kind people, no matter age. Traveling & dancing are my favs. hobbies. What do you appreciate most?



who am I?

AvaReeves - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

AvaReeves's profile picture. 14 ratings. I consider myself an outgoing person, non-judgmental, in love with nature, animals, and people around me, as I think the most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in. Touching my mind my & heart could get you very close to my soul. I appreciate nice & kind people, no matter age. Traveling & dancing are my favs. hobbies. What do you appreciate most?.


My Details

Last update: 2 hours ago

I like: Enjoying the beauty of life in a good company and making new friends. Travelling the world and learning about other cultures. Having intimate conversations. Being elegant while expressing my sensuality. Dancing and listening to good music. Pets and pet owners. Oh, and of course, eating sweets and not getting fat, haha! :P Register as member here: https://livejasmin.com?refererid=p_AvaReeves

I don't like: Rudeness and impolite people. So let's share good time together and enjoy each other step by step... only this way magic can happen :)

About me


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