

I'M BriseisMonn

Having the chance of meeting someone real, with genuine values who can appreciate you as you can appreciate back, has become a privilege that is rarely available in today's society. I can only tell a story if you are able to hear beyond my voice and words, feel with me, laugh with me, cry with me, be genuine in a world filled up with fake clothes, fake smiles, fake feelings, fake values. Let's restart the basic. Put love back into your heart, put happiness back in your brains and put health back in your body. It might sound old school but old has really became gold! Nice to meet you, I'm Bri ! ❤️



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BriseisMonn - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

BriseisMonn's profile picture. 4 ratings. Having the chance of meeting someone real, with genuine values who can appreciate you as you can appreciate back, has become a privilege that is rarely available in today's society. I can only tell a story if you are able to hear beyond my voice and words, feel with me, laugh with me, cry with me, be genuine in a world filled up with fake clothes, fake smiles, fake feelings, fake values. Let's restart the basic. Put love back into your heart, put happiness back in your brains and put health back in your body. It might sound old school but old has really became gold! Nice to meet you, I'm Bri ! ❤️.


My Details

Last update: 1 hour ago

I like: I love unhealthy food as bad as it can sound. Yuck or Yumm?

I don't like: Unreal feelings, betrayals, fake friends, bitter words and cold weather. 😜

About me


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