

I'M DorisBlythe

Hello! My name is Ruta, I'm 18 years old I'm here because I want to become a more open and social girl, I think this site will help me become more social and liberated, as well as get rid of my complexes I also have some strange sexual fetishes that I can't talk about publicly yet, I hope this will change very soon. I recently moved to a new city and I have no friends at all, I want to find them here💕💕💕



who am I?

DorisBlythe - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

DorisBlythe's profile picture. 14 ratings. Hello! My name is Ruta, I'm 18 years old I'm here because I want to become a more open and social girl, I think this site will help me become more social and liberated, as well as get rid of my complexes I also have some strange sexual fetishes that I can't talk about publicly yet, I hope this will change very soon. I recently moved to a new city and I have no friends at all, I want to find them here💕💕💕.


My Details

Last update: 1 day ago

I like: honesty, human manners, kindness, masculinity, intelligence, cute things, compliments, cute puppies and kittens, gifts

I don't like: when a person does not comply with moral standards, lying, morning awakening

About me


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