


I'M GiaVelez

I am an interesting woman, all the flow of a strong, friendly, wild and hot Latin milf. I am an open minded person with someone who turns me on, let me know all your fantasies and I will try to make them come true.



who am I?

GiaVelez - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

GiaVelez's profile picture. 15 ratings. I am an interesting woman, all the flow of a strong, friendly, wild and hot Latin milf. I am an open minded person with someone who turns me on, let me know all your fantasies and I will try to make them come true..


My Details

Last update: 17 hours ago

I like: an interesting man who has a topic of conversation, who seduces me and provokes me, who caresses me and enjoys my company

I don't like: that you are rude, treat me badly for no reason or say things that are prohibited in my room.

About me


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