

I'M GuinevereFarabee

I'm a shy but curious 19 year old girl who recently discovered the fascinating world. Friendly and romantic girl. I am sentimental and do not like lies. I'm studying to be a veterinary, but I want to become a professional model in the future. I love serials and books, dont be shy ask me, i love to talk about this. I am always open to common people with interesting people.



who am I?

GuinevereFarabee - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

GuinevereFarabee's profile picture. 2 ratings. I'm a shy but curious 19 year old girl who recently discovered the fascinating world. Friendly and romantic girl. I am sentimental and do not like lies. I'm studying to be a veterinary, but I want to become a professional model in the future. I love serials and books, dont be shy ask me, i love to talk about this. I am always open to common people with interesting people..


My Details

Last update: 1 day ago

I like: I like France, and especially the city of Paris I want to visit. I love animals, walk in the park. I like French roses.

I don't like: Do not like tattoos, piercing, peonies, coffee without milk, insects

About me


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