

I'M JenifferVentturi

I am a transgender model with a lot of experience, my mind is open, my favorite hobby is meeting new people and satisfying any need you want. I am fun, outgoing, spontaneous and I enjoy romantic moments, but I am also passionate about having wild moments where we have fun.



who am I?

JenifferVentturi - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

JenifferVentturi's profile picture. 4 ratings. I am a transgender model with a lot of experience, my mind is open, my favorite hobby is meeting new people and satisfying any need you want. I am fun, outgoing, spontaneous and I enjoy romantic moments, but I am also passionate about having wild moments where we have fun..


My Details

Last update: 1 hour ago

I like: I love learning new things, studying, listening to a variety of music and learning about many topics. I like to transmit peace, love, kindness and give my best at all times. I like to make you laugh, hear from you all the time, make sure you enjoy all the time with me and keep in touch all the time with those who I enjoy sharing my time with.

I don't like: I don't like strong coffee, nor things that are too sweet. I don't like to see my friends sad and that's why I try to show them the positive side of life. I don't like food that takes extra cooking time, nor do I like cold drinks.

About me


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