

I'M KellyJamese

My name is Kelly. I am 19 years old. I live with a Jack Russell dog in my apartment. At first glance, I am shy and modest, but when I become comfortable with a person, I begin to behave more openly, I joke, laugh loudly, tease and give full rein to my actions



who am I?

KellyJamese - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

KellyJamese's profile picture. 14 ratings. My name is Kelly. I am 19 years old. I live with a Jack Russell dog in my apartment. At first glance, I am shy and modest, but when I become comfortable with a person, I begin to behave more openly, I joke, laugh loudly, tease and give full rein to my actions.


My Details

Last update: 36 seconds ago

I like: I love music, dancing, enjoying myself, looking at myself in the mirror, I love shooting videos, especially editing, creating a beautiful picture. Dressing up, putting on makeup, taking care of yourself, masks and baths, it's all about me. I also like to walk alone, listen to music and come up with various ideas for a blog, video, editing. My other love is cars. I love sports cars.

I don't like: I don't like routine, caviar, the smell of cigarettes. I don’t like it when they tell me what to do, or when they reproach me and my actions, pointing out that I am a woman.

About me


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