

I'M LorraineHall

Quite calm, don't like loud noises, patient. I like to spend a long time doing some monotonous activity. I plan to find a job that I really like. I also plan to do cosplay in the near future!



who am I?

LorraineHall - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

LorraineHall's profile picture. 6 ratings. Quite calm, don't like loud noises, patient. I like to spend a long time doing some monotonous activity. I plan to find a job that I really like. I also plan to do cosplay in the near future!.


My Details

Last update: 1 day ago

I like: I really love music, I play the synthesizer. I also love coffee, long walks and sitting in some park. In terms of music genres, I prefer folk or American pop. I really like movies TV series/books in the genres of romance/detective/horror/thrillers. I love anime and various video games

I don't like: I don't like very harsh and loud people. Also, if someone raises their voice. I don't really like rainy weather.

About me


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