


I'M OdeliaDunaway

Let me introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth, I am 18 years old, I am a first-year student at the medical university. I'm going to be a doctor in the future. As for my character traits, my friends say that I am emotional and sociable. Sometimes I can be distracted, especially when I have a lot to do. Since I have loved languages, especially Spanish and German. I studied them at school when I was very young. А little one. I remember that I even tried to teach my parents to speak Spanish when I was in school - I was so impressed by the language. Besides, my father is of German descent, so he started speaking German to me from the moment I took my first steps. So I can say that German is my second native language and Spanish is my passion.



who am I?

OdeliaDunaway - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

OdeliaDunaway's profile picture. 10 ratings. Let me introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth, I am 18 years old, I am a first-year student at the medical university. I'm going to be a doctor in the future. As for my character traits, my friends say that I am emotional and sociable. Sometimes I can be distracted, especially when I have a lot to do. Since I have loved languages, especially Spanish and German. I studied them at school when I was very young. А little one. I remember that I even tried to teach my parents to speak Spanish when I was in school - I was so impressed by the language. Besides, my father is of German descent, so he started speaking German to me from the moment I took my first steps. So I can say that German is my second native language and Spanish is my passion..


My Details

Last update: 2 days ago

I like: I’m no exception. I also like having beautiful dresses, shoes, make-up, perfumes and else. However, my biggest dream is to travel. I’d like to see some other countries and to explore them. I have always been interested in learning new languages, cultures and tradition

I don't like: I don't like watching TV.

About me


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