


I'M OliviaEwans

your charming Olivia, with anime eyes. I live in a wonderland, with me you will feel like you are in a fairy tale. I have a perfect body, charisma and a beautiful smile. I am your friend, psychologist and lover.



who am I?

OliviaEwans - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

OliviaEwans's profile picture. 15 ratings. your charming Olivia, with anime eyes. I live in a wonderland, with me you will feel like you are in a fairy tale. I have a perfect body, charisma and a beautiful smile. I am your friend, psychologist and lover..

Soul Mate

My Details

Last update: 48 minutes ago

I like: My friend, if you like my room, you should know what I like. Respect me, my opinion and my interests. By following all the rules, I will give you pleasure, pleasant conversation and fun.

I don't like: My job is work! What do I get paid for, if you want my attention, be generous, I don't like being disrespected, if you want to be with me, you need my respect!

About me


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