

I'M PamelaLash

I define myself as water, I adapt to any situation, I am very friendly, very sensual and passionate, as well as understanding, I tend to be quite respectful and happy. I can be very attentive to people who can truly enter my heart.



who am I?

PamelaLash - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

PamelaLash's profile picture. 9 ratings. I define myself as water, I adapt to any situation, I am very friendly, very sensual and passionate, as well as understanding, I tend to be quite respectful and happy. I can be very attentive to people who can truly enter my heart..


My Details

Last update: 21 minutes ago

I like: There are many things that I like, I'm going to be very explicit in what I'm going to say, but in reality something that I like a lot is sex, although I don't see it as everything, I also like to travel, coffee, good music, I like to give and receive respect, I like gifts and pleasant surprises, I love talking for hours about many things and I love to listen to what my friends have

I don't like: I don't like being cheated and betrayed, I hate being made fun of, never do it, I don't like whiskey.

About me


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