

I'M PaolaRodman

Some people tell me often that I have a pervy face... but when you get to know me you'll find a tender personality and a cheerful smile, let's meet get to meet each other and start our story together.



who am I?

PaolaRodman - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

PaolaRodman's profile picture. 9 ratings. Some people tell me often that I have a pervy face... but when you get to know me you'll find a tender personality and a cheerful smile, let's meet get to meet each other and start our story together..


My Details

Last update: 3 days ago

I like: I really love new challenges, I love learning new things ant getting new experiencies, also dancing, listening to music, and working out.

I don't like: People without iniciative, I think that if we want something we have to work to get it, and I don't want to be the only one with iniciative in a relationship.

About me


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