

I'M PhamelaWanz

My style is physically overwhelming, Object, and Highly controlling. I enjoy combining my wide variety of interest to create individually unique sessions. I will play only with person whom i feel share my interests, and who understand and follow basic rules of etiquette. Sensualist But Dominant, Playful but Strict when it comes to making you submit to me



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PhamelaWanz - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

PhamelaWanz's profile picture. 11 ratings. My style is physically overwhelming, Object, and Highly controlling. I enjoy combining my wide variety of interest to create individually unique sessions. I will play only with person whom i feel share my interests, and who understand and follow basic rules of etiquette. Sensualist But Dominant, Playful but Strict when it comes to making you submit to me.


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