

I'M RafaelaGlam

Classy and Playful is something that defines me, not just in sex, in life aswell. i love to have exciting and yet meaningfull experiences where i can be free and enjoy with someone special, maybe you are the one for me, lets get to know each other and find out!



who am I?

RafaelaGlam - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

RafaelaGlam's profile picture. 12 ratings. Classy and Playful is something that defines me, not just in sex, in life aswell. i love to have exciting and yet meaningfull experiences where i can be free and enjoy with someone special, maybe you are the one for me, lets get to know each other and find out!.


My Details

Last update: 2 days ago

I like: Going for a long walk with my husky is something that warms up my soul. Dancing is a must for me, either I have a nice partner for it or i do it myself. learning languages is a goal so be my guest if you want to improve my tongue skills 😈

I don't like: People that dont like pets and someone who is so close minded that ruins the fun we could have

About me


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