

I'M SilvanaOwen

My positive energy and my spontaneous way of expressing myself create a warm and fun atmosphere, making me the center of attention in each session. With my charm and confidence, I make everyone feel special, making each interaction a unique experience.



who am I?

SilvanaOwen - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

SilvanaOwen's profile picture. 5 ratings. My positive energy and my spontaneous way of expressing myself create a warm and fun atmosphere, making me the center of attention in each session. With my charm and confidence, I make everyone feel special, making each interaction a unique experience..


My Details

Last update: 1 second ago

I like: I like to connect with the person who is speaking. I enjoy good conversation and being very calm. I have a variety of hobbies that I would like to share with you and see what we have in common.

I don't like: I do not like disrespectful or negative comments, such as my person or managing a toxic environment in my living room, I do not tolerate these lack of coexistence.

About me


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