


I'M SilverGreeny

I'm 18 and my name is Agata. I live in Prague, in the Vinohrady district, in an old house with high ceilings and windows from which you can see tiled roofs going somewhere into the distance. Prague is a magical city, but I have always been drawn to something more distant, to something that is beyond our planet. Yes, I dream about space. I spent hours in the library, devouring books about stars, planets and distant galaxies. My dad gave me a telescope, and I spent nights on the balcony, looking at the lunar craters and trying to find the constellation Ursa Major.



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SilverGreeny - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

SilverGreeny's profile picture. 13 ratings. I'm 18 and my name is Agata. I live in Prague, in the Vinohrady district, in an old house with high ceilings and windows from which you can see tiled roofs going somewhere into the distance. Prague is a magical city, but I have always been drawn to something more distant, to something that is beyond our planet. Yes, I dream about space. I spent hours in the library, devouring books about stars, planets and distant galaxies. My dad gave me a telescope, and I spent nights on the balcony, looking at the lunar craters and trying to find the constellation Ursa Major. .


My Details

Last update: 2 minutes ago

I like: My life is not only lectures, textbooks and formulas. Yes, I'm a physics student, but my real passion is space , I have dreamed of stars, of distant galaxies, of the opportunity to set foot on the surface of another planet. We can say that space is my hobby, which occupies all my thoughts and free time.

I don't like: I don't like it when people talk to me rudely and uncivilly

About me


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