

I'M SynneAmber

My name is Britt and Im from Poland ^_^ I really like to walk around the city with music in my headphones, I really like to meet different people and learn a lot of new things! I listen to almost all genres of music and can both party to edm and howl sadly to rock. I work out at the gym to watch my figure. I don't have many friends, so I'm here to socialize. Let's talk about something ineresting or crazy ;) I love kind and honest men who respect girls' feelings and don't give them a hard time. I hope you're not like some of the guys here. Sometimes I like to be really gaudy, and sometimes I can be just a cute shy girl. Be nice to me at least the first time and we'll be friends. I'd love it if you check out my photos and leave a comment. I'd also love to see you in my fan club. XO XO XO kisses, hugs



who am I?

SynneAmber - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

SynneAmber's profile picture. 9 ratings. My name is Britt and Im from Poland ^_^ I really like to walk around the city with music in my headphones, I really like to meet different people and learn a lot of new things! I listen to almost all genres of music and can both party to edm and howl sadly to rock. I work out at the gym to watch my figure. I don't have many friends, so I'm here to socialize. Let's talk about something ineresting or crazy ;) I love kind and honest men who respect girls' feelings and don't give them a hard time. I hope you're not like some of the guys here. Sometimes I like to be really gaudy, and sometimes I can be just a cute shy girl. Be nice to me at least the first time and we'll be friends. I'd love it if you check out my photos and leave a comment. I'd also love to see you in my fan club. XO XO XO kisses, hugs.


My Details

Last update: 1 day ago

I like: I like to eat light and healthy food and I love to exercise. I love cute kittens! Chinese dumplings are my passion.

I don't like: I think a lot of people don't like those pips in their watermelon or when you come to kick back at the beach and it starts raining hard with a thunderstorm. It's also unpleasant when you go to bed and immediately get up in the morning, it seems like it's been a whole night, but you feel it like a couple minutes

About me


Best squirt ever award goes to SynneAmber! Grab my big boobies, slap my naked ass in livejasmin free webcam and private sessions! Wank and cum with me, take me by my shoulder length brown hair and put your squirt in my xxx erotic pussy at 2.49 on %sitename%!

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