

I'M TashaBizz

I am your sweetest dream and your darkest nightmare! I am a dominatrix with years of experience behind and from the very first moment you'll join my world, you will belong to me and you'll be willing to to everything for me. Wonder why I am so sure about that? I know very well what I can offer, but I am not so sure if you can earn it. I am a lady and I can make any dreams come true, so PAY attention to me!



who am I?

TashaBizz - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

TashaBizz's profile picture. 4 ratings. I am your sweetest dream and your darkest nightmare! I am a dominatrix with years of experience behind and from the very first moment you'll join my world, you will belong to me and you'll be willing to to everything for me. Wonder why I am so sure about that? I know very well what I can offer, but I am not so sure if you can earn it. I am a lady and I can make any dreams come true, so PAY attention to me!.


My Details

Last update: 1 day ago

I like: books, latex clothes, full moon, nights in general, deep conversations, honesty, dirty minds, open minded people, control, good people

I don't like: small talk, stereotypes, people who can't listen, lack of patience, disobedience

About me


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