

I'M TheaBrownell

Hello everyone I'll tell you about myself . Well, first of all, I'm 19 years old and I've been interested in drawing and painting since Serbia. I often attend art exhibitions and participate in workshops, which allows me to develop my skills and find like-minded people.



who am I?

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TheaBrownell's profile picture. 2 ratings. Hello everyone I'll tell you about myself . Well, first of all, I'm 19 years old and I've been interested in drawing and painting since Serbia. I often attend art exhibitions and participate in workshops, which allows me to develop my skills and find like-minded people..


My Details

Last update: 2 days ago

I like: I really like listening to music. I do it all the time) I love listening to music of various genres, especially indie and acoustic. I play guitar in my free time and would like to learn how to sing beautifully.

I don't like: but my favorite thing is dancing. I'm dancing go-go. this will allow me to liberate myself more and be sexier and more feminine . I used to perform a lot and show my dancing

About me


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