

I'M UrsulaDavis

Recently I lived under care of my parents where I was despised and humiliated. I was so tired of it that have drown myself in boose spending nights in clubs and bars but anyway realised it was not what I needed. I finally moved out and started life with a clean slate when I got webcam job. I am writing a biography... I think that I have already ripened for this... but there are still so many pages left... maybe you can become the Mr. in my climax))0)



who am I?

UrsulaDavis - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

UrsulaDavis's profile picture. 15 ratings. Recently I lived under care of my parents where I was despised and humiliated. I was so tired of it that have drown myself in boose spending nights in clubs and bars but anyway realised it was not what I needed. I finally moved out and started life with a clean slate when I got webcam job. I am writing a biography... I think that I have already ripened for this... but there are still so many pages left... maybe you can become the Mr. in my climax))0).


My Details

Last update: 30 minutes ago

I like: I love to write, now I usually prepare a book about my life, it is written from the point of view of a young girl who fights against a patriarchal society and uses men as a means to an end. In addition, I like walking in parks and enjoying nature.

I don't like: Respect me even if I obey. And don't cum too fast.

About me


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