

I'M VictoriaLeone

I am characterized by being very charismatic and sweet, I want to be that girl you go all out for and become your confidant.



who am I?

VictoriaLeone - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

VictoriaLeone's profile picture. 5 ratings. I am characterized by being very charismatic and sweet, I want to be that girl you go all out for and become your confidant..


My Details

Last update: 27 minutes ago

I like: My tastes are between cooking, I love clandestine outings without direction, I love dancing and feeling a close connection, and I also love pets with all my heart.

I don't like: I do not tolerate even a little bit of people who lie, deceive or talk too much, trust is something that is obtained from both sides.

About me


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